Handy parenting tips for each stage of your child’s development

By Kristin Louis

Parenthood enriches your life in many ways, allowing you to experience the world anew through the fresh eyes of a child. Being a mom or dad can also get stressful, however, resulting in negative consequences for your own health—and negatively impacting kids, too. 

Luckily, there are many useful resources available to make your role easier at every stage of your child’s development. Maybe I’ll Shower Today wants everyone in your family, from youngest to oldest, to be happy and healthy, so read on. 

Use your phone to help keep track of infants

Your new baby will rely on you for everything, including feeding, diapering, and bathing. While there is tremendous reward in this amazing time, and ample teachable moments to enjoy as your little one grows, this can be overwhelming—especially for first time parents. Your mobile phone can help you with this big responsibility in many ways. You just need to download some handy apps. 

For example, Today’s Parent My Family lets you track naps, feeding, and more, while The Wonder Weeks app allows you to get a handle on cognitive developmental milestones. Cloud Baby Monitor lets you use two Apple devices to create a baby monitor and receiver. There is even an app, called Peanut, for new moms looking for other new moms to meet up with. This is ideal if you’re struggling with feelings of isolation when staying home with your little one.

Trust technology to keep toddlers amused

As little ones progress from infancy to toddlerhood, they will start to engage with the world around them more actively. Technology offers fantastic ways to keep them amused and encourage them on their path of discovery. Digital Trends points out cutting-edge educational toys for little kids include everything from robotics kits to a circuit maze board game that teaches kids about circuits and electricity. 

Even a simple tablet can be converted into an educational tool: Use it to download apps like QuickMaths, which is geared towards kids aged two to six, and teaches essential math skills. There are also apps to promote other skills like memory, foreign language learning, and spelling. 

Get young school kids involved in activities to promote social skills

Once your kids are old enough to start school, you can start looking outside the home for resources to keep them amused and encourage positive development. There are options available for all types of personalities. 

When kids get involved in theater, for example, they learn how to work well with others and also improve skills like memory. When kids play sports, they learn life lessons like accountability and the utility of setting goals. Meanwhile, art activities can help kids hone their communication abilities, improve fine motor skills, and enhance social and cultural awareness. 

Whatever your little one gets involved in, it will also give them the chance to make friends and improve social skills.

Safeguard your rebellious team with home security

Teenagers are notoriously difficult, even when they’re relatively well-behaved. A rebellious teen in particular may require stringent oversight and other protections. You may want to lock up the medicine and liquor cabinets in order to keep them safe and away from potentially dangerous substances. 

You can also have a tech professional add safeguards to your home computer using parental control software to limit certain internet activity, and install motion-activated security cameras to keep an eye on things when you aren’t around. While such measures may feel extreme, they are in the interests of your teen’s safety. 

At any stage of your child’s life, whether they are a teen or a toddler, don’t hesitate to reach out for additional help. There are many resources available. For example, a tough teen may benefit from group therapy, while Parkview Dekalb Hospital notes a toddler with delayed speaking skills can be sent to a speech therapist

Parenting is a big job and you don’t have to do it alone. Trust the above resources to make the job easier for you. You will be less stressed as a result, allowing you to be a better parent. Both you and your child will benefit.

About The Author:

A former advertising copywriter, Kristin Louis is a mom to two rambunctious boys: oldest is 10 and youngest is 7.  She created parentingwithkris.com, where she puts her skills to work writing about the trials and tribulations of parenting.”

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